Dialer v2.1 This program requires VBRUN300.DLL if you do not have it, your local BBS should. It was not packaged with this program to conserve disk space, or because I am lazy. INSTALLATION: By now you have already UNZIPPED Dialer.zip - Type at the A:\> prompt INSTALL (or B:\> INSTALL) - Execute Windows - Option: Open the Program Manager and make a new group "DIALER" - Open the file manager and select the DIALER directory - Drag DIALER.EXE from the File Manager to the appropriate program group under the Program Manager. (Drag all *.txt files also.) - Double Click the Dialer Icon. CREATING YOUR OWN DIRECTORY: The simple text file structure of this phone directory is ideal because phone lists can be generated out of almost any com- mercially available phone number data base and used with this program. The format is simple, NAMES on the left and NUMBERS on the right. Ex.: John Doe (719) 555-1212 John Doe [pager] (719) 443-1212 Note: "()" for Area Code Optional These numbers will be formatted and displayed on the Dialer v2.1 "Main" screen as: John Doe____________________________________(719) 555-1212 John Doe [pager]____________________________(719) 443-1212 Most of the time, I find it most convenient to use the "Notepad" under windows to edit my phone lists. (Or EDIT in DOS) I tend to use multiple phone books (*.txt files) to keep home, work and frequently called numbers grouped together and organized. You do not have to enter these phone numbers in alphabetical order either. Just enter them, run Dialer, and select the "Directory" option, and press "OK". The next time you view the directory it will be organized alphabetically. That's about all I have to say, so I hope you enjoy this program. If you have any comments or suggestions, feel free to e-mail me. Internet: sirjames@rmii.com James Thompson 4905 DeWar Dr. Colorado Springs, CO 80916 Note: This is FREEWARE.